Hello my lovelies, my sort of Eat-Pray-Love journey (in search of myself) through Europe continues. December saw me visit a former campus mate and a good friend of mine, Roisin, in the Belfast capital of Northern Ireland where we spent a few lovely days sipping tea and munching on scones at the Whitestones Bookshop while perusing through a copy of Ralph Lauren by Vogue, of which I ended up buying in a bid to start a collection of classic fashion books, not just for my coffee table but to actually read through.

With hubby gone back home to the US on this leg of the journey, I’m taking the opportunity to soul-search, to replenish my spirit, refresh my soul, and renew my mind for the next act of my life.

It was a lovely day for pictures and photographer Brendan Gallagher rose to the occasion and snapped these pictures for me to share with you my companions on this journey. I hope you get to enjoy Belfast someday, whether you choose to journey in the physical or in the mind.

For this Northern Ireland photo shoot, we went to the famed Cathedral Quarter, Belfast, for some scenic pictures to capture the beauty of the city. A short walk from the pedestrian shopping streets, the Cathedral Quarter is Belfast’s cultural center housing various kinds of private artists’ spaces.

I chose to wear a green dress in honor of the Irish color, but with an army green twist to it, which I feel is better suited for the fall/autumn season.

Because the dress is free flowing, a simple skinny brown belt matching my skin tone helps define the waistline. This dress is thus ideal for both an elegant dressed-up high heels look as well as for that effortlessly chic dress-down day with flats on the morning coffee run.

A tiny gold necklace is perfect to show off the beautifully made neckline, which is slight gathered to give the bodice that softened look. I got mine from the store Accessorize.

The dress I’m wearing is actually simple and affordable. Looking good should not have to cost a lot; it really is all about how you accessorize. As I scan my past pics, I realize that I am the quintessential minimalist girl. Well, I’ve always sort of been vaguely aware of it but seeing the weekly posts helps to confirm it, which is important in helping define one’s personal style.

We took a few more pictures at the park next to Ulster University (UU), one of Northern Ireland’s main universities. Roisin showed me around Belfast, we shopped, toured the Christmas market, dined, had drinks, and chatted long into the night. I love my friendships and they always seem to be long-term. This particular friend I’ve known for about 6 years, we meet on a master’s degree programme on international studies at the university of Brussels in 2009 and have remained in touch since.

When you meet a kindred soul on this journey we call life, you honor that experience and walk along with it as far as you are meant to go. I don’t remember ever ending a friendship, they usually endure or fade away all by themselves, as life would have it. Whatever will be will be; friendships that are meant to last will. For Roisin and I this is the case; that we can pick up from where we left off any time we choose to –I love that about our friendship.

For that narrow cobbled street background that is so very European, Hill Street presented the perfect backdrop. Simple strappy army green heels for that elegant look, the weather was lot warmer than it should be for December, but I took full advantage of it, considering soon I’ll be back home in the US to experience the bitter barren winters typical of the East Coast.

The pillars at St. Anne’s Square presented a beautiful backdrop for this look

That’s it for this post. My travels keep taking me far and wide and I am so appreciative of the people I am meeting and the insights I’m gaining. I’m even more appreciative that you get to come along with me on my travels and grow along with me as we all strive to live our best lives now. Till, the next post, póga!!!
Simple and chic I recently begun an inner journey of my own… Love the blog and fashion
Thank you! It’s inevitable that we all eventually undertake a self-discovery journey, isn’t it? Thanks for sharing in mine, hoping to support yours too should you ever choose to share it.
Beautiful! Looks like fun. I am envious of your travels + I love your style!
Thanks @lifeofahousewife – thank you so much for the support!