Hi folks! I’m a firm believer of two things; it takes a village and give credit where it’s due. I met Chanel right at the beginning of my blogging journey at the end of 2015. I had just launched a blog that September and my first post featured meeting her at her October 2015 meet & greet in New York City. We have since become fast friends and have met up countless other times.

I have made many Instagram friends this year since I became an active user; and as our friendships develop, I often find out they first came to hear about me through Chanel one way or another. ‘Chanel mentions you often in her videos’ is a comment I have heard more than once. My Instagram statistics reflect a geographic spread that I can’t help but credit to my association with her. She has been a good friend to me, and I’d like to share some of the lessons I’ve learnt from her.

Photoshoot: I’ve had the pleasure of observing her at work at a professional outdoor photoshoot. I’d be clowning around trying to get her to laugh, to no avail; she would remain professional until they got the shot. This has taught me to focus and get the desired shot before getting back to goofing around.

Photography: ‘Once you get the shot, quit’ is Chanel’s credo. My photoshoots are now considerably shorter and much more efficient. I no longer linger or get excessive still shots; it’s made my work much lighter when compiling the final selection as I have fewer to choose from.

YouTube: I’ve had the privilege of accompanying Chanel to work for a day to experience ‘a day in the life of a YouTuber’. Sitting there in her office space and studio while watching the magic unfold was priceless. I watched her at work and was impressed by her work ethic and her ability to get the job done in a most efficient way.

Giving credit simply means acknowledgment of merit. I’ve often heard it said, ‘I did this on my own and no one helped me.’ I marvel at the inaccuracy, if not the sheer short-sightedness, of such a statement. Someone helped somehow, and that should be recognized and acknowledged. It might be someone we know in person or we might have watched them on screen or even read their book. But someone would have told us about the opportunity or the job. Someone would have hired us, showed us how it’s done, believed in us, inspired us.

On my current journey, Chanel has been my ‘someone’. she has shone some light my way and let me stand in the afterglow of her spotlight. She’s given direction when I’ve been unclear about the way forward, even waited patiently until I caught up with some of her suggestions. She has been generous with her time and advice. I’m excited to see how high her star will rise, because from what I know about her so far, she is unstoppable.

Giving credit where it’s due doesn’t take away from us and our accomplishments. For while someone might have helped us get started on something, it’s up to us to keep the momentum going, to gain growth and sustain the expansion. The point is, there is always a ‘someone’ first, then what we do thereafter is up to us; so always give credit. In fact, look for opportunities to do so. Maybe then, just maybe, people will help each other more, for it does take a village. ღ Helena Grey
Hi Helena,
I’m glad I met you over the weekend – through Chanel of course, on Instagram…giggles. But it was “love at first sight” i.e. meeting a soul and just loving them instantly – I call it #SoulConnect”. Your simplicity is just so attractive and the calmness about your personality is admirable.
I love your work, and as a “Beginner YouTuber”, you have been a tremendous inspiration this week, so this is me giving you credit for motivating me to keep going.
I must add though, that you look very much like someone I know in Ghana. She’s called Grace and I saw in one of your posts that you have a sister called Grace – funny.
I wish you God’s extravagant blessings! xoxo
I’m totally with you on that one…Yes it takes a village and every one gets to where they are by some one pulling them up whether they know it or not. Great post xx
Thanks for reading Shaz! I like the ‘whether they know it or not’ part. I guess we have to make a conscious effort to identify and acknowledge our mentors.