Hi dear friends, Last month I was in London to meet up with my younger sister Christina and my brother-in-law, Joe. They live all the way in Australia so they take it upon themselves to buy a yearly round-the-world ticket and make the rounds to see our spread-out family. While I stayed in London only for a while they stayed on much longer as they usually do.

I remember when they slotted Brussels as one of their stops back in 2005 when I still lived in Belgium and we spent two unforgettable weeks together. Then again in 2012 they came to visit hubby and I in the US for Christmas where we clocked hours and hours chatting, getting lost in the intensity of it all. We drove up to Boston for a visit, the hubbies sitting in the front chatting up a storm and the two of us in the backseat babbling away; we never once looked up to enjoy the view. We then walked through Saks Fifth Avenue without looking at a single outfit because we were so engrossed in our talk. That whole trip was pointless; we might have as well sat on the couch and not gone anywhere because all we did was talk!

December of 2014, they flew to Las Vegas and hubby and I flew in to Vegas from Connecticut while my big sister flew in from Texas and we all spent four lovely days together in Las Vegas. These trips aside, we continue to meet countless other times in Africa as we synchronized trips to visit our family back home.

I come from a large and generally close family, and Christina and I have been exceptionally close since our childhood. As a middle child, she is the proverbial wallflower, prone to disappearing into the background to get through life as quietly as possible –she’s the no-fuss child. We both studied finance and accounting, so we’ve always had a lot to talk about in that regard. As a rule, I consult with her on all my professional undertakings.

She’s one of the most intelligent people I know, right up there with the best of them. About 99% of our conversations revolve around professional matters, idea generation and different processes. Eleanor Roosevelt’s “Great minds discuss ideas…” quote best describes our interactions. I trust her implicitly and explicitly and I can tell her any and everything; I am truly blessed to have a sister like her.

Today, December 31st, is Christina’s birthday, so no better time to introduce her to you guys. Over time, I’ll introduce all my other siblings as our worlds collide add our lives criss-cross. We are a large enough family that as siblings we’ve always been each other’s best friends. I pray that you too have a supportive family to fall back on both in good and tough times. Peace to you as you celebrate yours. ღ Cheers, Helena Grey
Okay 🙂